Deshcherevsky V.I. Mathematical models of muscle contraction. Edited by Academician Frank G.M. Publishing house “Science”, Moscow, 1977.
Abstract. The book of the famous Soviet biophysicist V.I.Deshcherevsky is devoted to one of the most fruitful methods for studying the mechanism of muscle contraction – mathematical modeling. The author proposed a kinetic theory of muscle contraction which enabled him to quantitatively describe different modes of contraction of striated muscles using one set of parameters and to predict a number of new facts that were later confirmed by experiments. The kinetic model of regulation of actomyosin systems, built on the basis of a cyclic scheme of an elementary contractile act and a simple modification of the mechanical model of the work of the regulatory complex, is also considered. The model accurately describes the complex regularities of the biochemical kinetics of ATP hydrolysis. The book is addressed to biophysicists, biochemists, physiologists, mathematicians, scientists and students interested in the problems of muscle contraction and mathematical modeling in biology. 71 illustrations, 201 references. Compiled by N.P. Deshcherevskaya. Editor V.I. Pasechnik. Editor of the publishing house N.N.Buzin.
Download Russian book: Дещеревский В.И. Математические модели мышечного сокращения. М.: Наука, 1977